I decided to do a follow-up to the other video I made of a stage that was hard to me, known as "The Vault" in the actual game of Kung Fu Strike: Warrior's Rise., just in-case i made it seem "impossible" to you :P. I had actually managed to finally beat the stage about a day before I made the ouch video, but how I manged to beat the sage that time was in a very "risky" way(for a lack of a better word). After playing the stage again, I discovered there is a actually a better and organized way you can successfully complete the stage in hard mode, without having most of the enemies awakened and swarming you all-at-once, which would obviously make it extremely difficult if they do as you saw in the ouch video. This is an approach that you can consider "painstaking" rather than "painful" lol.
The real key(or atleast one of the key things to do) is to keep the dwarf statue in the middle(yes, it is a statue and not an actually enemy) from getting destroyed for as long as possible, plus stay very close to the front of the room while destroying the first set of enemy waves.